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Exploring Lawn Bowls Techniques and Strategies

Welcome to our intriguing Lawn Bowls Techniques and Strategies Quiz! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey in the world of lawn bowls, this quiz is designed to test your knowledge and expand your understanding of various techniques, terminologies, and strategies. Let’s dive in and discover the intricacies of lawn bowls!

Test Your Skills with our Intriguing Quiz

1) What is the term used to describe a bowl that curves towards the target?
A narrow bowl.

2) What is the primary technique used in a draw shot?
Delivering the bowl with a smooth, gentle weight to reach the target.

3) True or False: Using the bias effectively requires players to understand the speed of the green.
True, using the bias effectively requires players to understand the speed of the green.

4) What is the term used to describe a bowl that ends up short of the target?
A short bowl.

5) What is the purpose of the skip in a lawn bowls team?
The skip will have sole charge of the team and all players in the team should follow the skip’s instructions. The skip should decide all disputed points with the opposing skip, making sure that any decision reached is in line with the Laws of the Sport of Bowls.

6) True or False: It is recommended to deliver the bowl with a firm grip to increase accuracy.
False, it is not recommended to deliver the bowl with a firm grip to increase accuracy.

7) What is the term used to describe a bowl that ends up beyond the target?
If a bowl is delivered and finishes past the intended target, it is said to have been a “fast bowl.”

8) What is the primary technique used in a drive shot?
Delivering the bowl with a faster, more powerful weight to move other bowls or the jack.

9) True or False: The speed of the green can vary depending on factors like weather conditions.
True, the speed of the green can vary depending on factors like weather conditions.

10) What is the name given to the rectangular area on which the game of lawn bowls is played?
The rectangular area on which lawn bowls is played is called the “rink.”

11) What is the purpose of the bias on a lawn bowls bowl?
The purpose of the bias on a lawn bowls bowl is to allow it to curve or bend on its path, enabling players to navigate around other bowls and strategically position themselves closer to the jack.

12) Which hand is typically used to hold the bowl during delivery in lawn bowls?
Bowls can be rolled without prejudice by either the left or right hand.

13) What is the term for the action of rolling a bowl towards the jack?
The action of rolling a bowl towards the jack is called “delivering” or “sending” the bowl.

14) What is the purpose of a weighted shot in lawn bowls?
A weighted shot is played with more force, using controlled weight, to remove opponents’ bowls from play or disturb the position of the jack.

15) What is the term for the rectangular block at the end of the rink where the jack is placed?
The rectangular block at the end of the rink where the jack is placed is called the “mat.”

16) What is the term for a bowl that is delivered and comes to rest beyond the boundaries of the rink?
A bowl that is delivered and comes to rest beyond the boundaries of the rink is known as a “dead bowl” and is removed from play.

17) What does the term “burnt end” mean in lawn bowls?
A Burned or “burnt” End is one where the Jack has been moved outside the boundaries of the rink by a bowl in play.

18) What is the term for a bowl that comes to rest exactly level with the jack?
A “jack high bowl” means a bowl whose front edge is level with the front edge of the jack.

19) What is the maximum number of bowls allowed to be delivered by each player in a team game of lawn bowls?
In a team game of lawn bowls, each player is allowed to deliver two bowls, resulting in a maximum of eight bowls per team per end.

20) What is the purpose of a drive shot in lawn bowls?
A drive shot is played with force to disrupt the head, scatter bowls, or change the position of the jack to gain a strategic advantage.

Congratulations on completing the Lawn Bowls Techniques and Strategies Quiz! We hope you enjoyed the challenge and gained valuable insights into the game. Share your results and challenge your friends to test their knowledge too. Keep practicing and perfecting your skills on the green!


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