Plymouth Bowls by the Bay

Plymouth Bowls by the Bay

  • 3 fixtures
  • Rink fees
  • Tea/coffee & biscuits
Hotel Details
  • Dinner, Bed and Breakfast
  • Porterage
  • Lift to all floors
  • WiFi
  • Welcome tea, coffee & biscuits
Reviews & Activity Level
Activity Level
Level 1 – Minimal walking & very few steps
Level 2 – Moderate walking & few steps
Level 3 – Lots of steps and active walking, cobbled stones
Level 4 – Active walking, lots of steps, narrow staircases and/or difficult terrains
Level 5 – Long and intensive walking conditions (e.g. rambling)
Tour average score is

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From £399pp
£100ss pp

Tour Details

Bowl care-free in Britain’s Ocean City surrounded by sweeping coastal views.

Stroll through the charming, cobbled streets to independent boutiques and taste history itself at Jacka Bakery & Delicatessen, the UK’s oldest bakery.
Step back in time at the iconic Mayflower Steps, where the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for the New World in 1620.
Relive bowling history with a trip to Drake’s Island, named after the legendary Sir Francis Drake, who famously wrapped up a game of bowls before taking on the Spanish Armada!

Enjoy seaside fixtures with a warm welcome and bring home a high-seas victory!